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Dept of Interior Grant for slip on units

Notice of Funding Opportunity: Grants for Communities to Acquire Slip-on Tanks, now available

Please share this NOFO throughout your networks. The pilot program can be used by local governments to purchase slip-on tanker units that will allow them to quickly convert trucks and other vehicles to be operated as wildland fire engines. Local governments that provide emergency services to areas with a population of 25,000 or less are eligible to apply. 
Grant amounts will range from $10,000 to $200,000. 
Grant applications must be submitted through's website by March 21, 2024. 
Contact: Kristy Swartz, Wildland Fire Program Specialist, U.S. Department of the Interior, Office of Wildland Fire 
Cell Phone: 208-863-5022, kristy 

Attachment 1 - Minimum Specifications.pdfAttachment 2 - Slip-On Tank Grant Program Proposed Methods and Data Sources.pdfAttachment 3 - Statement of Interest 2FEB2024.xlsxNOFO D24AS00253 Final_5-Feb-24.pdfPKG00284749-instructions (1).pdf